Board Breaking Event Information
scoring information & rules
- At the T&T Traditional Championship, the board breaking divisions prioritize quality techniques. Judges will score based on difficulty of techniques, amount of boards per technique, number of attempts, poise while competing, and sportsmanship. Board breaking divisions will be judged on a 1 – 10 scale, with 1/10th point increments. Scores are added together, and the highest score wins. In event of a tie, competitors will break one more board (provided by the Championship) and the judges will choose the winner by a show of hands.
- Purchase boards at event, or No other materials allowed; except stands, props or spacers.
- $2.00 for little dragons board; $2.25 for half-inch board; $2.50 for inch board.
- The competitor is responsible for finding volunteers to hold boards and explaining how to hold. This rule may be amended for the 4—6 year-old division and AS/DA divisions. The judges will assist the competitor only when concerned with safety.
- 3 MINUTES to set up stations. After 3 minutes, the competitor will be told to break as it is. If there are not enough volunteers for the competitor to set up all stations, the time limit will be extended to accommodate this. There are no other exceptions to this rule—unless the center judge deems additional time necessary for the safety of competitors or holders. There is no time limit to break the boards.
- 3 STATIONS allowed. “Stations” are defined as a single technique, or a consecutive group of techniques. A “consecutive group of techniques” means that the competitor cannot pause, stop, or reset in the middle of the group—otherwise the judges will count it as separate stations.
- 3 MISSES TOTAL for all stations. After 3 misses, the competitor will be told to stop, and will receive the lowest possible score. This rule may be amended for 4—6 year-old divisions and AS/DA divisions.

2019 T&T Rules |